
New! cloudEMAPS on premise

Isolated cloudEMAPS On User’s Own Enviroment

Enhanced Data Security

Accelerated Performance


A Python Package for Electron Diffraction Simulations and Crystallographic Calculations
Available in Both Personal and Commercial Licenses

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Software Solutions

Our microscopy and crystallography simulation tools greatly reduce time and expenses for researchers.

Technical Consulting

Our research staff and experts are here to provide you with comprehensive solutions for your research needs.

Previews & Downloads

In support of our education and research communities, we provide free software tools downloads.


moleculeEMLab Solutions, Inc. is offering solutions across material engineering education and research with focuses on providing software and consulting services to our clients in industry and academia. We have a world-renowned material scientist as our chief scientist and adviser, as well as experienced software engineers, ready to assist you and to accelerate your education and research.

Recent News

Recent News

May 17, 2024: cloudEMAPS on premise: making cloudEMAPS available on your own Windows environment with simluation down and GUI entirely on you own loadcal machine. Click here to download and install a free 7 days trial.

December 14, 2023: Introducing cloudEMAPS site: cloudEMAPS geared for organization needs for data privacy and computational speed served in exclusive, always secure and private network. Contact us for price quotes.

September 1 1-15, 2023: pyEMAPS continued its international debut in Busan, South Korea with a poster presentation in International Microscopy Congress conference.

August 22-30, 2023: pyEMAPS made it way to International Crystal Union’s 26th general assembly and congress in Melbourne, Australia.

July 23-27, 2023: pyEMAPS made its first successful introductions to American Microscopy and Microanalysis conference in Minneapolis, MN.

May 05, 2022: Announcing pyemaps! a free python package for transmission electron diffraction simulations for non-commercial and personal use. Please check here for easy pip installation and user guide!

September 04, 2020: Many thanks to our subscribers for your support, we hope to continue to provide the services to the communities. The new fee schedule for the upcoming office cloudEMAPS 2.0 release is announced. Please check here for the details!



EMLab Solutions, Inc.

2903 Prairie Meadow Drive
Champaign, IL 61822

(217) 493-3387